Covid-19 and Chinese medicine

Covid-19 and Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine, including herbs, acupuncture and Qigong were all used extensively in the treatment of the Corona virus in Wuhan, China. When combination treatments (allopathic and Traditional Chinese Medicine) were used for patients with mild symptoms, a significantly lower incidence of those patients became seriously ill and those that did had better outcomes.

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Immunity V - Nutrition

Immunity V - Nutrition

Many common foods have antioxidant properties that reduce inflammation and aid immunity. There are three groups of vegetables of particular note for immune-boosting:

· Root veggies including carrot, beets, radish, sweet potato, pumpkin & winter squash contain beta-carotene and other potent anti-inflammatory antioxidants. So whether you’re in the mood for carrot-ginger soup, sweet & sour beets (steamed beets marinated in apple cider vinegar and maple syrup) or simple sweet potatoes, you’re keeping the bugs at bay.

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