Cleansing Meditation
/Invoking the cleansing powers of water, Dr. Mao guides you through a breathing visualization meditation to rid your entire being of negative, toxic and pathogenic energies, leaving you calm, cleared and renewed.
Read MoreAcuCentre is an Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Wellness Center in Geneva, Switzerland. We use a variety of tools to provide direct and immediate intervention to interrupt a disease process and reawaken the path to healing including Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Qigong, Bodywork, Dietary Therapy and Life Coaching. We have particular expertise and experience in the areas of women's health, fertility, menopause, problems of the immune system, gastro-intestinal complaints, weight loss, stress, burn-out, depression, neurological problems, acute or chronic back, muscle & joint pains.
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Invoking the cleansing powers of water, Dr. Mao guides you through a breathing visualization meditation to rid your entire being of negative, toxic and pathogenic energies, leaving you calm, cleared and renewed.
Read MoreThis Dragon Dance routine strengthens metabolism and stimulates immunity. It is famously used as part of successful weight loss programs and is also recommended as an immune-supportive, moderate exercise when suffering illness, a time important to avoid any excess exercise that would drain your needed reserves. We will demonstrate the standing and seated versions.
Read MoreMany common foods have antioxidant properties that reduce inflammation and aid immunity. There are three groups of vegetables of particular note for immune-boosting:
· Root veggies including carrot, beets, radish, sweet potato, pumpkin & winter squash contain beta-carotene and other potent anti-inflammatory antioxidants. So whether you’re in the mood for carrot-ginger soup, sweet & sour beets (steamed beets marinated in apple cider vinegar and maple syrup) or simple sweet potatoes, you’re keeping the bugs at bay.
Read MoreAcupressure massage has been used safely and effectively to regulate body functions for thousand of years. It is an easy to learn at-home tool for self-regulation and self-healing. This video demonstrates four pairs of acu-points that you can massage to regulate your lungs and immunity, help fight off and recover from the effects of respiratory infections. Select the points that suit your condition and apply the massage once or several times a day depending on the severity of your symptoms.
Read MoreAcuCentre offers integral health care from traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). We use a variety of tools to provide direct and immediate intervention to interrupt a disease process and reawaken the path to healing. Our efforts primarily support your own self-healing energy.